Final Paper Blog

Part 1
In my paper, I will be exploring the religious traditions that are concerning the Mormon Mission Trips. In all of my research of memes, I saw that there was a more prominent amount of memes talking about the training that is needed in order to complete the 1.5-year mission trip. The exemplary meme that stands out one saying " You don't simply walk by Mormon Missionaries". This meme relates to the stereotypes that I've found while looking for different topics or subjects that are appearing. The stereotype that I found was that Mormons seem very out of the public eye and not many people know much about the religion but yet they are the most "annoying" and persistent missionaries because they are willing to go to any extent to talk to you about their religion. These memes that I found came directly from a Mormon website called and I stayed with this website because I wanted to find memes that seemed "funny" to the Mormon religion and topics that are relatable.

Part 2
I think that because the Mormon religion has a very small presence online and in the media in general, I think that it is easy to assume that being offline is what creates an authentic religion to their community. The only large online presence that they do have that is mandatory is the annual Conference and that makes it even more authentic because everyone sits around together to watch the conference together and everyone has one major religious leader. Online Mission talks about the way that Mormons are using digital presence to try to recruit and convert people to Mormonism. Digital culture really challenges assumptions and stereotypes because every source and site that I found from Mormon resources, was very truthful and seemed to not necessarily shut down stereotypes but explain why those stereotypes exist


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