
Final Paper Blog

Part 1 In my paper, I will be exploring the religious traditions that are concerning the Mormon Mission Trips. In all of my research of memes, I saw that there was a more prominent amount of memes talking about the training that is needed in order to complete the 1.5-year mission trip. The exemplary meme that stands out one saying " You don't simply walk by Mormon Missionaries". This meme relates to the stereotypes that I've found while looking for different topics or subjects that are appearing. The stereotype that I found was that Mormons seem very out of the public eye and not many people know much about the religion but yet they are the most "annoying" and persistent missionaries because they are willing to go to any extent to talk to you about their religion. These memes that I found came directly from a Mormon website called and I stayed with this website because I wanted to find memes that seemed "funny" to the Mormon religi

Blog #5

As I looked through my collection of memes from the past couple blog posts I can observe that there are in are fewer stereotype memes like we talked about in class but there the memes teach us about learned behavior inside the Mormon community like church experiences and missionary trip training. But through all the memes you can see the connection between these religious experiences and traditions and religious leaders and how those religious leaders guide the community through experiences just like mission trips and sacrament prayers just like the meme below shows.  What specific religious issues/actors/community are being undermined or affirmed? What does this tell us about how the authority of this religious group is being interpreted? (Provide concrete evidence to support these claims)  Through all the memes that I have seen, I have seen nothing but positive memes about the Mormon religious leaders such as bishops, stake house councilman, and _____. In this meme a

Blog #4

My study of Mormon beliefs and how that is reflected through behavior has been mainly surrounded around church behavior and mission trips. The key messages that I've seen through all the memes haven't been about outsider stereotypes but mostly about insider behavior surrounding the behaviors of the Mormon religion. The lack of online presence that Mormons have reflected on why most of the Mormon memes are related to missionaries and church.The two memes that I collected about the experience of mission trips and how Mormons try to spread the word of their faith.  The meme above shows the outsider point of view of how Mormons are very persistent in spreading their faith but yet no one really knows what Mormonism is really about because they keep their faith and traditions inside the community. The main type casts that this meme reflects is a stereotype of being the religion that goes door to door.   The meme above talks about how persistent the missionaries are. This

Blog #3

Please respond to ONE of the following questions: -Are there certain ideas that are accentuated in these memes that speak to the perceived beliefs of this community?  Over the past couple of week, while looking for memes that would directly correlate to my topic of Mormon behavior based on beliefs, there were many memes that I did not understand. Most of the topics and ideas of church behavior and different insider perspective of going to church, the sacrament meetings, and testimony. Church topics are talking about how the Mormons bear testimony, the sacrament meetings they have twice a year and different miscellaneous phrases like "When someone sits in our family's bench". There were also memes that mocked the experience of missionary trips. What I've noticed is that the digital identity of most of the themes memes comes from an insider perspective which is why there is so much repetition of church behavior and experiences. After you share your
In my meme research on the Mormon beliefs, I am going to be getting my memes from "". I looked through many different sites and decided this would be the best one to get my memes that reflect on the way that Mormons behave based on their beliefs. The criteria I'm using is looking at memes that wouldn't make total sense to an outsider, so not something that a Mormon would understand but something that an outsider might understand.  The Mormon religion is based on the spreading of their book and following very strictly what their religious text says. My memes that I have selected send a message about what Mormom missionaries are based on. I have many friends that are Mormon and have gone on their mission trips. It's something that the Mormon tradition is very proud of and you must go on a missionary mission. These memes have a dry sense of humor and while one of them is quoting the Sound of Music it is somewhat taunting the religion because

Blog Research Proposal: Mormon Stereotypes

The lack of knowledge that people have of the Mormon religion causes there to be a lot of stereotyping on what they can't and can do. As someone that knows many people of the Mormon religion, I still do not fully understand the limits of what can be done but want to see how the media reflects general stereotypes. During this study, I want to look into the stereotyping of the way they dress, their behavioral habits and how the outside people identify Mormons as Mormons. While I looked at different memes to choose from, my first example below talks about how Mormons can't drink alcohol. The second memes look at how people portray the Mormon religion but looking from an insider's view its much different. Citations: